

22 questions listed below address rabies and rabies vaccination laws/regulations. RESPONSES listed for each of the QUESTIONS within the FAQ section of this website have been validated by the State Public Health Authorities in the respective state.

Click on the question(s) below to reveal the state responses.

  1. Rabies vaccination is required for which species?

    • Dogs and cats. 

      Also, for all animals for which there is a licensed vaccine and will be in a public setting with potential contact with people.

  2. Who is legally authorized to administer a rabies vaccine?

    • A licensed veterinarian only.  

      The vaccination certificate requires the signature and license number of the veterinarian who administered the vaccination. [Sec. 22-339c. Certificate of rabies vaccination] 

  3. How long must a copy of the signed rabies certificate be maintained by the practice?

    • Veterinarians at a vaccination clinic "shall maintain a sequential record of the rabies tag serial numbers and corresponding owners’ names for all vaccinated dogs and cats for a period of three (4) years." [Sec. 22-359e. Tags and certificates indicating rabies vaccination]. Rabies "certificates" are not mentioned specifically, but, presumably, should also be kept for three years. 


      After a cat or dog has bitten a person or another animal, and at the request of an animal control officer, a veterinarian shall submit to the officer a copy of the vaccination certificate and any associated rabies vaccination records. [Sec. 22-339b. Rabies vaccination required for dogs and cats]. Thus, a certificate must be maintained at least for the labeled duration of immunity of the vaccine. 

  4. What are the age requirements for rabies vaccination in Connecticut?

      • MINIMUM Age: 12 weeks of age

      • MUST BE VACCINATED BY: By 3 months of age [Sec. 22-339b. Rabies vaccination required for dogs and cats.]

  5. Following administration of the initial dose of rabies vaccine, when is an animal considered to be "currently vaccinated"?

    • 30 days following administration of the initial dose of rabies vaccine. This applies regardless of the animal’s age at the time the initial dose is administered.  

      At least 30 days after the primary vaccination (and immediately after a booster vaccination). Vaccinations must have been administered in accordance with licensed rabies vaccine label directions. [CT Rabies Manual: Control of Rabies in Public Settings; Sec. 22-359-1(4). “Definitions”]

  6. What criteria constitute "currently vaccinated" against rabies?

    • The term “currently vaccinated” is commonly used within the context of state laws affecting rabies vaccination and control. Within the US, an animal that is “currently vaccinated” must meet EACH of the following criteria.  

      The animal must be vaccinated: 


      • ...with a USDA licensed rabies vaccine. 

      • ...with a vaccine that is within the labeled expiration date.

      • an individual who is authorized to administer rabies vaccine.
        (NOTE: requirements vary significantly among states-see FAQ #2 for the requirement in this state). 

      • the appropriate age, interval, and dose (ie, the FULL dose, as stipulated on the manufacturer’s label, must be administered).  

  7. Is there an extended-duration (beyond 3 years) rabies vaccine available today? (see also Question #10)

    • NO. 

      USDA licensed rabies vaccines available for administration to animals residing with the US are only 1-Year or 3-Year labeled vaccines. 4-YEAR labeled rabies vaccines have been discontinued and are no longer recognized in the US.  

      In Connecticut, a veterinarian has the discretion to administer a 1-Year or 3-Year labeled rabies vaccine as THE INITIAL DOSE. However, re-vaccination (booster) is required 1 year following the initial dose...regardless of the animal’s age at the time the initial rabies vaccine is administered and regardless of the vaccine administered (1-Year or 3-Year labeled vaccine) as the initial dose.  

      RE-VACCINATION of DOGS and CATS: When re-vaccinating (booster) against rabies, the duration that a dog or cat is considered “currently vaccinated” is strictly determined by the product label of the last vaccine administered (ie, either 1 year or 3 years).

  8. What are the rabies vaccination requirements for a dog/cat imported from another state or country?

    • Any dog or cat imported into Connecticut that is three months of age or older shall be currently vaccinated for rabies by a licensed veterinarian. 

      “Any dog or cat originating from a rabies quarantine area shall have permission of the State Veterinarian prior to importation into this state.” ...“Any person, firm or corporation violating the provisions of this subsection or bringing any dog or cat into this state from an area under quarantine for rabies shall be fined not more than one thousand dollars.” [Sec. 22-354. Imported dogs and cats]. 

  9. Can a 3-year labeled rabies vaccine be substituted for a 1-year labeled rabies vaccine when administering the initial dose?

    • In Connecticut, veterinarians appear to have discretion in selecting a 1-Year or a 3-Year labeled rabies vaccine. However, after administering the initial rabies vaccine dose, the animal must be re-vaccinated within 1 year, regardless of the product used, and regardless of the animal age at the time the initial rabies vaccine dose is administered. 

      REF: Booster vaccinations shall be given "at least every three years". However, an initial rabies vaccination at any age is considered protective for only one year and shall be boosted one year after the initial vaccination. [Sec. 22-339b. Rabies vaccination required for dogs and cats.]

  10. What are the re-vaccination requirements for a pet that is overdue for a required rabies booster? (4 parts)

    • When is an animal considered to be "overdue" for a rabies booster?

      • An animal is considered “overdue”, and NOT currently vaccinated, if just one day beyond the labeled duration of the last rabies vaccine administered (1 year or 3 years).  

        The exception to this rule is that an animal is considered “overdue” after just one year following the initial rabies vaccine dose, regardless of the vaccine labeling.  

        “‘Vaccinated’ means an animal was vaccinated against rabies in accordance with licensed rabies vaccine label directions.” [CT Rabies Manual: Control of Rabies in Public Settings; Sec. 22-359-1(10). “Definitions”] Presumably, even one day after the labeled duration of immunity, the animal would be considered "overdue". 

    • Following re-vaccination of an "overdue" animal, when is the animal considered to be "currently vaccinated"?

      • A dog or cat that is overdue for a rabies vaccine is considered “immediately currently vaccinated” at the time the animal is re-vaccinated. 

        This rule applies despite the time that has lapsed since administration of the previous dose of rabies vaccine. 

        [See: CT Rabies Manual: Control of Rabies in Public Settings; Sec. 22-359-1(4). “Definitions”] 

    • When re-vaccinating the “overdue” patient, which vaccine must be used (1-Year or 3-Year labeled vaccine)?

      • This question has legal implications and is best answered by the State Public Health Veterinarian (see Public Health Contact information in this website).  

    • When is the NEXT dose due?

      • An animal is considered vaccinated when it “was vaccinated against rabies in accordance with licensed rabies vaccine label directions”. [CT Rabies Manual: Control of Rabies in Public Settings; Sec. 22-359-1(10). “Definitions”] Thus, an interval of one year for a 1-Year labeled vaccine and three years for a 3-Year labeled vaccine.

  11. Can a "positive" rabies antibody titer substitute for a required booster dose?

    • No. Within the United States, a rabies antibody titer is NOT recognized as an index of immunity (or protection) in lieu of vaccination.  

      NOTE: A “positive” rabies titer from a certified laboratory only means that the animal (at the time of travel) has been “adequately vaccinated” against rabies and meets the rabies vaccination requirement of that country/region at the time of importation. 

      For a current list of importation requirements by country see: 


      Search: APHIS Pet Travel

  12. What constitutes rabies "exposure" in a pet?

    • Connecticut recognizes 4 “exposure” categories:

      • Direct contact or visible bite from confirmed rabid animal

      • Direct contact or visible bite from suspect rabid animal (animal unavailable for testing)

      • Wound of unknown origins, suspected to be caused by scratch/bite (e.g. abscesses)

      • Exposure by proximity (seen near or in same area as confirmed rabid animal – no known contact or wounds)

    • [Connecticut “Manual for Rabies Management and Protocols: Rabies Management of Domestic Animals Exposed to Wildlife”] 

  13. Who has the authority to determine if a pet has been exposed to rabies?

    • State Response Pending

  14. What are the consequences of rabies "exposure" in a pet that is "currently vaccinated"? (see also FAQ #6 and #13)

    • If exposure is to a wild animal, it depends on exposure category (see above Q11):

      • Direct contact/bite from confirmed rabid animal: veterinarian boosters the pet immediately and notifies local or state ACO; strict confinement by pet owner for 45 days.

      • Direct contact/bite from suspect rabid animal (not available for testing): same as with confirmed rabid animal (see above).

      • Wound of unknown origin: veterinarian boosters pet immediately; close observation for 45 days by pet owner.

      • Exposure by proximity: veterinarian may consider booster for pets; close observation of pet by owner for 45 days. 

    • Note: if the most recent rabies vaccination was administered within one month, it is not necessary to revaccinate 

      If exposure is via a bite by another domestic animal (dog, cat ferret):

      • If both attacker and victim are vaccinated: no action necessary

      • If attacker is not vaccinated or unknown vaccination history or unavailable for quarantine:

        • veterinarian boosts victim immediately

        • owner notifies local or state ACOs

        • attacker is quarantined for 14 days to determine rabies risk

        • if quarantined attacker develops rabies, veterinarian notifies local or state ACO and state veterinarian; strict confinement by pet owner of victim for 45 days

        • if attacker unavailable or quarantine: close observation of victim by pet owner for 45 days

    • Confinement Definitions

      • Close Observation:

        • Animal may be kept at home.

        • Owner informed of potential rabies and given copy of the Rabies Advisory notice.

        • Owner required to immediately notify veterinarian or ACO of unusual behavior or change in health status of pet.

      • Strict Confinement:

        • Animal may be kept at home in the house, garage or some other escape proof building or enclosure approved by the ACO.

        • May be leash walked under immediate control of an adult within the confines of the premises only.

        • Animal may not be allowed contact with other animals or humans other than the designated caretaker.

        • Owner is informed of potential rabies and given copies of Rabies Advisory notice and strict confinement instructions.

        • Animal is observed daily and owner is required to immediately notify the ACO or veterinarian of any unusual behavior or change in the health status of the animal.

        • Owner is not allowed to sell, give away, kill or otherwise dispose of the animal during the confinement period without the permission of the State Veterinarian.

        • In the event the animal escapes or dies the owner must immediately notify the ACO.

      • Quarantine:

        • Animal to be confined off owner's premises in a state approved facility, i.e. dog pound, veterinary hospital or commercial kennel.

        • Isolate animal from human and animal contact.

  15. What are the consequences of rabies "exposure" in a pet that is not "currently vaccinated"? (see also FAQ #6 and #13)

    • Three variations must be considered in determining management of the exposed animal.

      • Unvaccinated (ie, has NEVER been vaccinated against rabies):

        • If exposure is to a wild animal, it depends on exposure category (see above Q12):

          • Direct contact/bite from confirmed rabid animal: either, a) veterinarian euthanizes pet, or b) if owner unwilling: veterinarian notifies local or state animal control officer; pet is quarantined for 6 months; pet is vaccinated at least 1 month before release.

          • Direct contact/bite from suspect rabid animal (not available for testing): either, a) veterinarian euthanizes pet, or b) if owner unwilling: veterinarian notifies local or state animal control officer; pet is quarantined for 3 months and then strict confinement by pet owner for an additional three months; pet is vaccinated at end of 3-month quarantine period.

          • Wound of unknown origin: veterinarian vaccinates pet immediately(within 96 hours of exposure); strict confinement for six months (approval of enclosure by the ACO may not be necessary).

          • Exposure by proximity: veterinarian vaccinates pet immediately; close observation of pet by owner for 6 months.

        • If exposure is via a bite by another domestic animal (dog, cat ferret): 

          • If attacker is vaccinated (but victim is not): vaccinate victim immediately (within 96 hours of exposure).

          • If attacker is not vaccinated or unknown vaccination history or unavailable for quarantine:

            • veterinarian vaccinates victim immediately (within 96 hours of exposure)

            • owner notifies local or state ACOs

            • attacker is quarantined for 14 days to determine rabies risk 

            • if quarantined attacker develops rabies, veterinarian euthanizes victim. If owner unwilling to euthanize: veterinarian notifies local or state ACO and state veterinarian; quarantine of victim for 6 months; veterinarian vaccinates victim at least 1 month before release

            • if attacker unavailable for quarantine: close observation of victim by pet owner for 6 months 

      • Is OVERDUE for a booster, and has documentation of prior vaccination:

        • State Response Pending

      • Is OVERDUE for a booster, but DOES NOT HAVE documentation of vaccination:

        • State Response Pending

  16. Does Connecticut recognize the results of Prospective Serologic Monitoring (PSM) as valid documentation that a dog/cat has been previously vaccinated against rabies?

    • State Response Pending

    • Prospective Serologic Monitoring (PSM) is a defined testing protocol specifically indicated for use in dogs & cats (ONLY) that have been determined (by public health or rabies control authorities) to be “exposed” to rabies (See also FAQs #12 and #13 in this section) yet, the owner is unable to provide valid documentation of recent rabies vaccination.  

      NOTE: the PSM testing protocol and submission requirements are strictly defined and must be adhered to. The PSM testing protocol is available at: 

      Indications for PSM: Applies ONLY to dogs and cats. 

      WHERE PSM is ALLOWED BY THE STATE or LOCAL JURISDICTION, all the following criteria must apply:

      • the dog/cat has been exposed to a confirmed or suspected rabid animal (as determined by public health or designated rabies control authorities); and,

      • the owner cannot provide valid documentation of previous vaccination (with a USDA Licensed vaccine); and,

      • the owner of the dog/cat that is determined to have been “exposed” to rabies (see questions #12 and #13) wants to avoid euthanasia or the expense of strict quarantine (usually 4 months or 6 months, depending on the state); and,

      • the animal can be managed by a veterinarian who is able to conduct the PSM protocol.

    • NOTE: Please check the National Association of State Public Health Veterinarians website at for the most current guidance on the testing protocol prior to any sample collection. 

      NOTE: properly labelled, paired specimens are required. Do not send samples separately. Both serum samples should be received by the laboratory at the same time. 

  17. What action is required if an animal that is "currently vaccinated" bites a person? (see also FAQ #6)

    • The animal causing a bite injury to a person is required to be quarantined for 10 DAYS. 

      This requirement is the same whether the biting animal is currently vaccinated or is not vaccinated.  


      DO NOT VACCINATE the animal prior to beginning the 10-day confinement. REASON: a reaction to vaccination could be confused with early signs of rabies. 

      If a human is bitten by a dog, cat, or other animal when not on the premises of the animal's owner, an Animal Control Officer (ACO) shall quarantine the animal in a public pound or at a veterinary hospital, kennel or other building or enclosure approved by the ACO. 

      If the bite occurs on the owner's property the ACO may quarantine the animal on the premises of the owner. 

      After 14 days the animal will be examined to determine if the quarantine shall be continued or removed. 

      Police dogs and guide dogs are exempt from these provisions if they are under the direct supervision, care and control of a police officer/owner, are currently vaccinated and subject to routine veterinary care 

      [Sec. 22-358(c). Quarantine of biting dogs, cats or other animals.] 

      The owner of a dog, cat or other animal that has bitten a human and been quarantined, may authorize the euthanization of the animal by a licensed veterinarian before the end of the 14th day of quarantine. In that case the animal shall then be tested for rabies. [Sec. 22-358(f). Quarantine of biting dogs, cats or other animals.] 

      NOTE: The vaccination status of the biting animal is not considered. 

  18. What action is required if an animal that is "not currently vaccinated" bites a person? (see also FAQ #6)

    • The animal causing a bite injury to a person is required to be quarantined for 10 DAYS. 

      This requirement is the same whether the biting animal is currently vaccinated or is not vaccinated.  


      DO NOT VACCINATE the animal prior to beginning the 10-day confinement. REASON: a reaction to vaccination could be confused with early signs of rabies. 

      If a human is bitten by a dog, cat, or other animal when not on the premises of the animal's owner, an Animal Control Officer (ACO) shall quarantine the animal in a public pound or at a veterinary hospital, kennel or other building or enclosure approved by the ACO. 

      If the bite occurs on the owner's property the ACO may quarantine the animal on the premises of the owner. 

      After 14 days the animal will be examined to determine if the quarantine shall be continued or removed. 

      Police dogs and guide dogs are exempt from these provisions if they are under the direct supervision, care and control of a police officer/owner, are currently vaccinated and subject to routine veterinary care 

      [Sec. 22-358(c). Quarantine of biting dogs, cats or other animals.] 

      The owner of a dog, cat or other animal that has bitten a human and been quarantined, may authorize the euthanization of the animal by a licensed veterinarian before the end of the 14th day of quarantine. In that case the animal shall then be tested for rabies. [Sec. 22-358(f). Quarantine of biting dogs, cats or other animals.] 

      NOTE: The vaccination status of the biting animal is not considered. 

  19. As a licensed veterinarian, do you have the authority to exempt an animal from the legal requirement to be vaccinated against rabies? (eg., for medical reasons)

    • Yes. Connecticut does grant veterinarians “exemption authority” for rabies vaccination. However, although a licensed veterinarian can request an exemption, such a request does not assure an exemption by the Dept of Agriculture. Only the State Veterinarian or the Commissioner of Dept of Agriculture can grant the exemption. 

      In Connecticut, a veterinarian may submit a request for exemption from rabies vaccination to the Department of Agriculture, which, if approved, is valid for one year. The complete text follows: 

      “(b) The State Veterinarian or the Commissioner of Agriculture, or the commissioner’s designee, may grant an exemption from vaccination against rabies for a dog or cat if a licensed veterinarian has examined such animal and determined that a rabies vaccination would endanger the animal’s life due to disease or other medical considerations. Such exemption may be granted for an individual animal only after the veterinarian has consulted with the State Veterinarian, the Commissioner of Agriculture, or the commissioner’s designee, and completed and submitted to the department an application for exemption from rabies vaccination on a form approved by the Department of Agriculture. After approval of such exemption, the department shall issue a rabies vaccination exemption certificate, copies of which shall be provided to the veterinarian, the owner of the dog or cat exempted from rabies vaccination and the animal control officer of the municipality in which the owner of the dog or cat resides. Certification that a dog or cat is exempt from rabies vaccination shall be valid for one year, after which time the animal shall be vaccinated against rabies or the application for exemption shall be renewed. 

      (c) Any veterinarian aggrieved by a denial of a request for an exemption from rabies vaccination by the State Veterinarian, the Commissioner of Agriculture or the commissioner’s designee may appeal such denial as provided in the Uniform Administrative Procedure Act, sections 4-166 to 4-189, inclusive.” 

      [Sec. 22-339b(b)(c). Rabies vaccination required for dogs and cats. Exemption from rabies vaccination.] 

  20. At what age is it no longer necessary to vaccinate an animal against rabies?

    • Within states that require rabies vaccine be administered, re-vaccination is required throughout life at the appropriate interval for the species indicated by State or local laws/regulations. Exemption is not authorized on the basis of age alone. 

  21. Is rabies vaccination of a hybrid or exotic pet allowed or recognized?

    • The Public Health community in Connecticut recommends that hybrid animals should be vaccinated...HOWEVER, whether or not the vaccinated hybrid animal is considered “currently vaccinated” from a regulatory perspective is best answered by representatives from the CT Dept of Agriculture or the State Public Health Veterinarian  (the response to this issue is currently pending review at the State level).

  22. At the State level, what authority does the Compendium of Animal Rabies Prevention and Control carry?

    • The Compendium of Animal Rabies Prevention and Control is published by the National Association of State Public Health Veterinarians, Inc. Recommendations outlined in the latest version of the Compendium serve as a basis for animal rabies prevention and control programs throughout the United States and facilitate standardization of procedures among jurisdictions. As published, the Compendium is not a statutory document. 

      NOTE: many (but not all) States have recently revised rabies laws/regulations by citing designated recommendations outlined in the latest version of the Compendium. Where cited in law, published recommendations do serve as the legal basis for patient management decisions made in practice as they concern rabies and rabies vaccination.  

      Compendium recommendations, if included as legal requirements for this state, are reflected in the FAQs listed within this section. 


Public Health Contact


*State Validation Pending

State Public Health Veterinarian

Jocelyn Mullins, DVM, MPH, PhD
Connecticut Department of Public Health
Epidemiology and Emerging Infections Program
410 Capitol Avenue,
MS #11 EPI, PO Box 340308
Hartford, CT 06134-0308

Phone: 860-509-7906

Please use the contact information above for questions regarding human rabies exposures due to contact with wild or domestic animals including risk assessment, pre-and post-exposure prophylaxis, and testing of animal specimens at the Department of Public Health Laboratory.


Rabies Surveillance

Confirmed Cases of Rabies in Connecticut

Year 2018 2019 2020 2021
Dog 0 1 0 0
Cat 5 1 3 2
Ferret 0 0 0 0
WILDLIFE-TOTAL 35 38 36 34
Raccoon* 15 22 17 9

*Primary reservoir host in the state

Rabies surveillance in the United States (2018-2021)
Ma X, et al. From the National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Disease, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Published in:  Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association
(2018 data):  256(2):195-208 (Jan 15, 2020)
(2019 data):  258(11):1205-1220 (Jun 1, 2021)
(2020 data):  260(10):1157-1165 (July 2022)
(2021 data): 261(7):1045-1053 (July 2023)


Rabies References

National References
  1. Compendium of Animal Rabies Prevention and Control, 2016. National Association of State Public Health Veterinarians, Inc. JAVMA March 1, 2016. Vol 248. No 5, pp. 505-517. Click here to view online.
  2. Rabies: a neglected zoonotic disease. World Health Organization. 2013. Click here to view online.
  3. Compendium of Animal Rabies Prevention and Control, 2011. National Association of State Public Health Veterinarians, Inc. Released May 31, 2011. Click here to view online.
  4. Wasik B and Murphy M. RABID A Cultural History of the World’s Most Diabolical Virus. Viking (Penguin Group), New York, 2012.
  5. The Rabies Laboratory, College of Veterinary Medicine, Kansas State University. Click here to view online.
  6. Greene CE. Rabies and other Lyssavirus infections. Chapt 20 in CE Greene (ed): Infectious Diseases of the Dog and Cat. 4th Ed. Elsevier-Saunders, St. Louis, 2012, pp. 179-197.